Section: New Results

Speech Analysis and Synthesis

Participants : Anne Bonneau, Vincent Colotte, Dominique Fohr, Yves Laprie, Joseph di Martino, Slim Ouni, Asterios Toutios, Sébastien Demange, Fadoua Bahja, Agnès Piquard-Kipffer, Utpala Musti.

Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion

Building new articulatory models

The possibility of generating the same sounds as those uttered by the speaker (or at least vocal tract transfer functions not too far from those observed) via the articulatory model and the acoustic simulation constitutes the underlying hypothesis of an analysis by synthesis method of acoustic-to-articulatory inversion. The articulatory model, and consequently its construction, thus plays a crucial role in inversion. An geometrical adaptation procedure has been developed in order to account for new speakers [28] , [29] . It uses two scaling factors, one for the mouth cavity and the second for the pharyngeal cavity. In addition the model can be rotated globally and a second rotation controls the relative position of the pharynx with respect to the mouth cavity. In order to ensure a smooth transition from the mouth cavity to the pharynx cavity the angle of the rotation is a function of the distance with respect to the mouth axis.

The adaptation and model have been tested by using the X-ray data used by Maeda to construct his model. It should be noted that there are very few X-ray data with articulatory contour information available. These data correspond to a female speaker. The RMS reconstruction error reached by the adapted articulatory model is 0.550 mm what is very good for this particular speaker. Other data will be used in the future to validate the model and the adaptation procedure as soon as the contours will be delineated. An anatomical adpation procedure will also be developed in the future.

Determination of the vocal tract centerline

The connection of the articulatory model with the acoustic simulation requires the area function to be decomposed into elementary uniform tubes. The decomposition should respect the plane wave propagation. For that purpose the central line of the vocal tract has to be determined. The quality of the centerline stongly influences the closeness between natural and artificial formant frequencies.

We designed two complementary algorithms. The first exploits a dynamic programming approach to select points on interior and exterior walls of the vocal tract which minimize a global criterion combining the length of the centerline and the angle between the normal to the segments linking the points selected on both walls and the centerline [29] . It turned out that this first algorithm provides an insufficient smoothness of the centerline. A second algorithm has been designed by using an active curve which maximizes the smoothness of the centerline and the distance from any point of the centerline with exterior and interior walls. This second algorithm provides very good results.

Adaptation of cepstral coefficients for inversion

The inversion of speech requires spectra of natural speech to be compared with spectra synthesized via the articulatory synthesizer. This comparison cannot be carried out directly because the source is not taken into account in the synthetic spectra. Last year we thus investigated an affine adaptation of all the cepstral coefficients. This adaptation brings the spectral peaks of natural and synthetic spectra closer but at the same time tends to flatten the spectra. Moreover, it also appears that adaptation of only the very first cepstral coefficients (the first two except C 0 which represents energy) were sufficient to capture the spectral tilt. Since it is important to keep clear spectral peaks to explore the articulatory space, we used the bilinear transform in order to bring the two spectra closer [15] . The results are now better and the bilinear transform will be used to recover inverse solutions.

Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion using a generative episodic memory

We have developed an episodic based inversion method. Episodic modeling is interesting for two reasons. First, it does not rely on any assumption about the mapping relationship between acoustic and articulatory, but rather it relies on real synchronized acoustic and articulatory data streams. Second, the memory structurally embeds the naturalness of the articulatory dynamics as speech segments (called episodes) instead of single observations as for the codebook based methods. Estimating the unknown articulatory trajectories from a particular acoustic signal, with an episodic memory, consists in finding the sequence of episodes, which acoustically best explains the input acoustic signal. We refer to such a memory as a concatenative memory (C-Mem) as the result is always expressed as a concatenation of episodes. Actually a C-Mem lacks from generalization capabilities as it contains only several examples of a given phoneme and fails to invert an acoustic signal, which is not similar to the ones it contains. However, if we look within each episode we can find local similarities between them. We proposed to take advantage of these local similarities to build a generative episodic memory (G-Mem) by creating inter-episodes transitions. The proposed G-Mem allows switching between episodes during the inversion according to their local similarities. Care is taken when building the G-Mem and specifically when defining the inter-episodes transitions in order to preserve the naturalness of the generated trajectories. Thus, contrary to a C-Mem the G-Mem is able to produce totally unseen trajectories according to the input acoustic signal and thus offers generalization capabilities. The method was implemented and evaluated on the MOCHA corpus, and on a corpus that we recorded using an AG500 articulograph. The results showed the effectiveness of the proposed G-Mem which significantly outperformed standard codebook and C-Mem based approaches. Moreover similar performances to those reported in the literature with recently proposed methods (mainly parametric) were reached. [18]

The paradigm of episodic memories was also used for speech recognition. We do not extend the acoustic feature with any explicit articulatory measurements but instead we used the articulatory-acoustic generative episodic memories (G-mem). The proposed recognizer is made of different memories each specialized for a particular articulator. As all the articulators do not contribute equally to the realization of a particular phoneme, the specialized memories do not perform equally regarding each phoneme. We showed, through phone string recognition experiments that combining the recognition hypotheses resulting from the different articulatory specialized memories leads to significant recognition improvements. [19] .

Using Articulography for Speech production

Since we have an articulograph (AG500, Carstens Medizinelektronik) available, we can easily acquire articulatory data required to study speech production. The articulograph is used to record the movement of the tongue (this technique is called electromagnetography - EMA). The AG500 has a very good time resolution (200Hz), which allows capturing all articulatory dynamics. The articulograph was used in a study about inversion (see the previous section) and to investigate pharyngealization.

Pharyngealized phonemes are commonly described as having the same place of articulation (dental) as their non-pharyngealized counterparts, but differ by the presence of a secondary articulation involving mainly the back of the tongue.

To study pharyngealized phonemes in Arabic from an articulatory point of view, our articulograph was used to record the movement of the tongue. Although EMA is not known as an optimal technique to cover the back of the tongue, good placement of the sensors and good interpretation of their positions can help to define pharyngealization relevantly. In fact, it is important to set one sensor as far as possible on the tongue (in our case, at 7cm from the tongue tip).

A corpus of several CVCVCVs was recorded using this articulograph, then phonetically labeled, and analyzed. The main finding of this work is that the coarticulation effect of the pharyngealized phonemes extends the immediate surrounding phonemes to influence the phonemes up to four-phoneme distance from the pharyngealized phoneme. The pharyngealization affects indifferently the previous and the following vowels and consonants.

We also investigated the effect of pharyngealization in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Dialectal Arabic (DA). The acoustic material was more important than EMA. Although, we studied one speaker for EMA, the obtained results are encouraging to record more arabic speakers. [42]

Labial coarticulation

Results show that protrusion is a fragile cue to the rounding feature. Although we observe for each speaker a clear (but not large) separation between vowels /i/ and /y/ produced in isolation, many realizations of /i/ and /y/ come very close together and even overlap in few cases for vowels in contexts. The efficiency of the parameter depends on speakers and contexts. The distance between the corners is probably the most fragile cue to vowel roundedness. Many overlapping areas are observed for vowels in context. This is not good news for speech specialists since this parameter is easy to measure (with cameras and markers painted on the speaker's face) and its evaluation can be fully automatic. Each of the three lip opening parameters constitutes a very efficient cue to the rounding feature. For vertical opening, the opposition between /i/ and /y/ in initial position appears to be endangered in bilabial context, due to the anticipation of lip closing during /i/. Nevertheless, the temporal variations of lip opening during the initial /i/ are very important, and more analyses, taking into account these variations, will be necessary to analyse /i/ vs. /y/ phonetic distinction more thoroughly.

Speech synthesis

Visual data acquisition was performed simultaneously with acoustic data recording, using an improved version of a low-cost 3D facial data acquisition infrastructure. The system uses two fast monochrome cameras, a PC, and painted markers, and provides a sufficiently fast acquisition rate to enable an efficient temporal tracking of 3D points. The recorded corpus consisted of the 3D positions of 252 markers covering the whole face. The lower part of the face was covered by 70% of all the markers (178 markers), where 52 markers were covering only the lips so as to enable a fine lip modeling. The corpus was made of 319 medium-sized French sentences uttered by a native male speaker and corresponding to about 25 minutes of speech,.

We designed a first version of the text to acoustic-visual speech synthesis based on this corpus. The system uses bimodal diphones (an acoustic component and a visual one) and unit selection techniques (see 3.2.4 ). We have introduced visual features in the selection step of the TTS process. The result of the selection is the path in the lattice of candidates found in the Viterbi algorithm, which minimizes a weighted linear combination of three costs: the target cost, the acoustic joined cost, and the visual joined cost.

Finding the best set of weights is a difficult problem by itself mainly because of their highly different nature (linguistic, acoustic, and visual considerations). This year, we added the first derivative of the visual trajectories in the visual join cost and we developed a method to determine automatically the weights applied to each cost, using a series of metrics that assess quantitatively the performance of synthesis [37] .

This year, more progress have been made regarding the definition of the target cost. Now, The target cost includes both acoustic target cost and visual target cost.

The visual target cost includes visual and articulatory information. We implemented and evaluated two techniques [32] : (1) Phonetic category modification, where the purpose was to change the current characteristics of some phonemes which were based on phonetic knowledge. The changes modified the target and candidate description for the target cost to better take into account their main characteristics as observed in the audio-visual corpus. The expectation was that their synthesized visual speech component would be more similar to the real visual speech after the changes. (2) Continuous visual target cost, where the visual target cost component is now considered as real value, and thus continuous, based on the articulatory feature statistics.

Phonemic discrimination evaluation in language acquisition and in dyslexia and dysphasia

Phonemic segmentation in reading and reading-related skills acquisition in dyslexic children and adolescents

Our computerized tool EVALEC was published [67] after the study of reading level and reading related skills of 400 hundred children from grade 1 to grade 4 (from age 6 to age 10) [69] . This research was supported by a grant from the French Ministery of Health (Contrat 17-02-001, 2002-2005). This first compurerized battery of tests in french language assessing reading and related skills (phonemic segmentation, phonological short term memory) comparing results both to chronological age controls and reading level age control in order to diagnostic Dyslexia. Both processing speed and accuracy scores are taken into account. This battery of tests is used by speech and langage therapists. We keep on examining the reliability (group study) and the prevalence (multiple case study) of 15 dyslexics’ phonological deficits in reading and reading related skills in comparaison with a hundred reading level children  [68] , and by the mean of longitudinal studies of children from age 5 to age 17  [66] . This year, we started the development of a project which examined multimodal speech both with SLI, dyslexics and control children (30 children). Our goal is to examine visual contribution to speech perception accross differents experiments with a natural face (syllables with several conditions). Our goal is to search what can improve intelligibility in children who have sévère langague acquisition difficulties.

Langage acquisition and langage disabilities (deaf chidren, dysphasic children)

Providing help for improving french language acquisition for hard of hearing (HOH) children or for children with language disabilities was one of our goal : ADT (Action of Technological Developpement) Handicom [piquardkipffer:2010:inria-00545856:2]. The originality of this project was to combine psycholinguistical and speech analyses researchs. New ways to learn to speak/read were developed. A collection of three digital books has been written by Agnès Piquard-Kipffer for both 2-6, 5-9, 8-12 year old children (kindergarten, 1-4th grade) to train speaking and reading acquisition regarding their relationship with speech perception and audio-visual speech perception. A web interface has been created (using Symfony and AJAX technologies) in order to create others books for language impaired children. A workflow which transforms a text and an audio source in a video of digital head has been developed. This worklow includes an automatic speech alignment, a phonetic transcription, a speech synthetizer, a French cued speech coding and speaking digital head. A series of studies (simple cases studies, 5 deaf children and 5 SLI children and group studies with 2 kindergarten classes) were proposed to investigate the linguistical, audio-visual processing…. presumed to contribute to language acquisition in deaf children. Publication are submitted.

Enhancement of esophageal voice

Detection of F0 in real-time for audio: application to pathological voices

The work first rested on the CATE algorithm developed by Joseph Di Martino and Yves Laprie, in Nancy, 1999.The CATE (Circular Autocorrelation of the Temporal Excitation) algorithm is based on the computation of the autocorrelation of the temporal excitation signal which is extracted from the speech log-spectrum. We tested the performance of the parameters using the Bagshaw database, which is constituted of fifty sentences, pronounced by a male and a female speaker. The reference signal is recorded simultaneously with a microphone and a laryngograph in an acoustically isolated room. These data are used for the calculation of the contour of the pitch reference. When the new optimal parameters from the CATE algorithm were calculated, we carried out statistical tests with the C functions provided by Paul BAGSHAW. The results obtained were very satisfactory and a first publication relative to this work was accepted and presented at the ISIVC 2010 conference [46] . At the same time, we improved the voiced / unvoiced decision by using a clever majority vote algorithm electing the actual F0 index candidate. A second publication describing this new result was published at the ISCIT 2010 conference [45] .

Voice conversion techniques applied to pathological voice repair

Voice conversion is a technique that modifies a source speaker’s speech to be perceived as if a target speaker had spoken it. One of the most commonly used techniques is the conversion by GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model). This model, proposed by Stylianou, allows for efficient statistical modeling of the acoustic space of a speaker. Let “x” be a sequence of vectors characterizing a spectral sentence pronounced by the source speaker and “y” be a sequence of vectors describing the same sentence pronounced by the target speaker. The goal is to estimate a function F that can transform each source vector as nearest as possible of the corresponding target vector. In the literature, two methods using GMM models have been developed: In the first method (Stylianou), the GMM parameters are determined by minimizing a mean squared distance between the transformed vectors and target vectors. In the second method (Kain), source and target vectors are combined in a single vector “z”. Then, the joint distribution parameters of source and target speakers is estimated using the EM optimization technique. Contrary to these two well known techniques, the transform function F, in our laboratory, is statistically computed directly from the data: no needs of EM or LSM techniques are necessary. On the other hand, F is refined by an iterative process. The consequence of this strategy is that the estimation of F is robust and is obtained in a reasonable lapse of time. This interesting result was published and presented at the ISIVC 2010 conference [70] .

Perception and production of prosodic contours in L1 and L2

Language learning (feedback on prosody)

Feedback on L2 prosody based upon visual displays, speech modifications and automatic diagnosis has been elaborated and a pilot experiment undertaken to test its immediate impact on listeners. Results show that the various kinds of feedback provided by the system enable French learners with a low production level to improve their realisations of English lexical accents more than (simple) auditory feedback. These results shoud be confirmed with a large number of speakers but based upon the important differences between results obtained for speakers in test and control conditions, we are confident in the interest of the system presented here [41] . In particular, the system analyses learners' realisations and provide indications on what they should correct, a guidance which is considered as necessary by specialists in the oral aspects of language learning.

Production of prosody contour

We report here relevant observations for the study continuation in French. These observations were obtained in an ongoing project about non-conclusive prosodic patterns in French and English (“Intonale” project  7.2.2 ). We specifically discuss slope variations, estimated in semitones, concerning two kinds of non-conclusive configurations, which are inside a clause, or at the end of a clause, respectively : (i) the final segment of a subject NP in an assertive sentence, followed or not by another syntagm ended by a continuation contour (ii) the final segment of a A clause, in a two clause utterance AB, where A and B are assertive clauses connected by an discourse relation, marked or not with a conjunction.

Intonation slopes are computed as regression slopes using F0 values in semitones estimated every 10 ms. Slopes are calculated on the two last syllables of the target segments of every sentence. Results show that slopes for segments which are not at the end of a clause, and segments at the end of a clause followed by a conjunction are typically rising, and not significantly different the ones from the others. On the contrary, slopes for ends of clauses not followed by a conjunction are significantly different from the previous ones. More than 50We are presently studying English sentences, in particular continuation contours, produced by French speakers, in order to determine the impact of their native language (French) on their English pronounciations.

Pitch detection

Over the last two years, we have proposed two new real time pitch detection algorithms (PDAs) based on the circular autocorrelation of the glottal excitation, weighted by temporal functions, derived from the CATE [64] original algorithm (Circular Autocorrelation of the Temporal Excitation), proposed initially by J. Di Martino and Y. Laprie. In fact, this latter algorithm is not constructively real time because it uses a post-processing technique for the Voiced/Unvoiced (V/UV) decision. The first algorithm we developed is the eCATE algorithm (enhanced CATE) that uses a simple V/UV decision less robust than the one proposed later in the eCATE+ algorithm.

We propose a recent modified version called the eCATE++ algorithm which focuses especially on the detection of the F0, the tracking of the pitch and the voicing decision in real time. The objective of the eCATE++ algorithm consists in providing low classification errors in order to obtain a perfect alignment with the pitch contours extracted from the Bagshaw database by using robust voicing decision methods. The main improvement obtained in this study concerns the voicing decision, and we show that we reach good results for the two corpora of the Bagshaw database.